The need for clearer communication and analysis of teams from different sectors participating or approving solutions in the manufacturing industry, working in one place or working in different locations, training of operators to handle and manage equipment as well as providing training in conditions that are unable or are very expensive to make in reality the solution is the VR and AR technology.
This technology makes the communication and analysis easier, it clarifies the presentation, speeds up the training, even provides early planned training as well as analysis and improvement opportunities before investing, thus reducing planning and implementation time as well as the resources, reduces the risk of unexpected problems and costs increases team efficiency and control of project development.
Virtual Reality Application
Presentation – This technology gives us the opportunity to:
-Simulating the real environment from data taken from a 3D scanner, Point cloud, or poly mesh or 360 photos.
-Simulating the real environment from data taken from a 3D scanner and adding a 3D model in virtual reality how is a subject on new installation or investment.
-3D Model of a virtual environment and virtual model from a new installation or investment. Simulation – Presentation + Animation:
-Simulating the real environment from data taken from a 3D scanner like point cloud or poly mesh or 360 photos adding motion graphics with information for presentation of an idea, project, investment.
-Simulating the real environment from data taken from a 3D scanner or virtual environment adding 3D animations how can simulate the process, methods of installation, the analysis also motion graphics with information for presentation of an idea, project, investment. Interaction – Presentation + Animation + Interaction.
Augmented Reality Application
This technology gives us the opportunity to:
Presentation, Assistance, learning
Add infographics mapped in realty captured by phone or AR glasses, this can be used for presenting
procedures on operators, presenting steps for maintenance equipment. presenting simple information
to investors and etc.