
As-Built CAD Model And Reverse Engineering

In a projects’ life circle, the design often changes due to improvements, adaptions of the design to the installation areas or due to other concerns that may occur after the installation of the design. Having these changes in mind, we continue to update the CAD model and create an As-built CAD model that is important for future improvements, planning, and new changes.

We create an As-Built CAD model on a way that we note all changes during the life circle of the project, and we edit the CAD model constantly, we take current notes on why and when the change has been made, so we have full control of the changes.

In situations when we do not have records about changes made on the design, or in situations when you do not have As-Built CAD model from the area when you want to make an upgrade, we offer reverse engineering by scanning the area with 3D laser Scanners and creating an identical CAD model of the area.

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