
3D Intelligent Model in Design Phases

Intelligent 3D model is a parametric 3D model that contains links (links) to the physical, technical and operational characteristics of a element, part, assembly, equipment or whole production. Intelligent models are usually made with special 3D software solutions or special modules are created for the 3D software solutions used by the client.
Some of the characteristics are the type of material, stress and displacement limits, compatibility of connection with adjacent and other parts from the system, compatible connections, compatible placement, permissible slope limits and other custom logics that can be added to serve in further simulations and analyzes.

When creating an initial or detailed design of a machine installation, in the design phase from the very beginning it is useful to start creating an intelligent model for several reasons:

-As a very useful tool is that the intelligent model does not allow or reduces the percentage of design error.
-Allows automatic creation of schematic drawings (such as ,P&ID, process flow diagrams, interlock lists and etc.) some specialized 3D software solutions are incorporated in the automatic control system.
-Precise and accurate technical analysis and simulations.
-Easy creation of lists for incorporated parts in the system.
-Easy to create maintenance and overhaul lists.
-Precise financial analysis.


This type of 3D models contributes to reducing the risk of design error, reduces installation time, facilitates the work of the project team, accurate projection of financial costs.
Design error reduction, some design and engineering software solutions that use the method of downloading ready-made parts from tables and databases, in the design creating process do not allow assembling of parts, equipment or system for unrelated and compactible parts, ex: can not be connected elements of pipelines that are intended for water transport with elements of pipelines that carry gas under pressure, as well as if the part has some other limitations due to its characteristic.

This method not only does not allow to make a mistake in the design but is helping designer with alternative way of placement or compactible next parts in the line. Also, the specification for the parts of the system is done with one click, if there is data for price or suppliers is speeding the financial analysis and reducing the research time.

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